Dr Shaukat Mirza

Though we look at the government to provide the means for acquiring education, in reality the task of providing it falls on both the government and responsible citizens of the world.

Education cannot exist by itself, it has to be nurtured and developed with a lot of effort from all parts of society. Education is not confined to the classroom, it happens around the dinner table when family members try to make joint sense of what happened that day; in the coffee shop where students share their thoughts ,ideas about the lecture of the day; or in the dorms where they find a solution for their assignments.  These are places where they learn the real principles of living.  Hence for a proper education in today’s world, you need more than an air-conditioned classroom, a good faculty, a good campus atmosphere, a good surrounding and a good society. That’s what we try to provide at The Star School!

Dr. Shaukat Ali Mirza