Nabeel Hussain

The inception for The Star School came to me through three great thinkers of our community. My great-grandfather Dr. Arastu Yar Jung’s words of wisdom always ring in my ear, “Apne bachchon ko laaiq banao” – Raise your children to be capable and self-reliant. Within our extended family, this adage is diligently followed. Education is prized and serves as the major stepping stone for better life opportunities.

My grandfather Mulla Abdul Khader Fida Ali’s legacy is the property at Khairtabad, which my family called home for most of my life. I spent the vibrant days of my youth channeling my enthusiasm for entrepreneurship into a successful business venture. Starting from scratch, so caught up was I in making a go of it, that I had failed to notice that even as efforts were paying off and we were growing leaps and bounds, my neighbourhood remained the same. This realization gave me pause and I felt the need to make a change and give back to my community.

We cannot sit on our laurels when we haven’t levelled the playing field for everyone and there is no better way to level the playing field than providing educational opportunities. I decided that what was needed was a school in our neighbourhood that would help boost our kids’ prospects and allow them to leave the cycle of poverty. This brings me to my third source of inspiration. Dr. Shaukat Ali Mirza is a philanthropist with an eye for helping marginalised communities lift themselves up. He lent us his expertise and helping hand in making my dream come true – The Star School.

Aiming for a brighter and progressive future and wishing The Star School all its very best in achieving it.

Nabeel Husain